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New street names suggested based on historic characters
March 10th, 2010
Some new and as yet unnamed Motueka streets should be named after prominent local "identities", said Motueka Community Board chairman David Ogilvie.
In his monthly report to the board yesterday, David said names for many Motueka streets currently are notable for commemorating local history.
"Manoy, Simpson, McCarthy, Kingstan, Sanderlane, Lowe, Fearon, Parker, Thorp, Coppins and others reflect a special Motueka character to its various streets," he said.
"This is a feature which, I consider, should be first explained to our residents, and when appropriate, be continued subject to the approval of residential developers and the Council's policies."
In the past David has suggested these names:
Kennedy Drive - as an appropriate new name for the section of Motueka Quay north of Harbour Road. David Kennedy was Mayor for 9 years during the 1970s and is the only Mayor of the Motueka Borough who does not have a street named after him.
"I have suggested this street because David was a keen golfer, but moreover during his term the Council constructed the oxidation ponds at Thorp Street north and stopped the discharge to sea of the Motueka wastewater," David Ogilvie said. "This discharge occurred close to the northern end of the Motueka Quay."
Hart Lane - as an appropriate name for the lane between Wallace Street and Tudor Street. Hart's bakehouse is still standing and his bakery was a major feature of this part of Motueka for many years.
Bridle Lane - as an appropriate name for the short lane from High Street between Bayley Real Estate and Abel Tasman Outdoors (formerly Guthrie Bowron). Bridle was an avid photographer and many of the photographs depicting events from 1915 were taken by W Bridle and developed at his shop nearby.
David said other residents may have other suggestions and brief background notes in support. He recommended that these and any other suggested street names be referred initially to the Motueka District Museum Trust Board for its consideration and following any comments be referred to Tasman District Council for action and street signs to be erected accordingly.
If you have any suggestions in this regard, and we will pass them on to David.
Comment by Maree Brown:
[Posted 16 April 2010]
I would like to put forward the name of my Grandfather Charles (Jock) David Grieve. I am his Granddaughter Maree Brown from one of his 7 children; my Mothers name is Jean Grieve (Jean Kirwan-Since deceased).
Through family history it is known that 'Pop' was a local Builder, trading under the name "Goodman and Grieve" working along side Graham Goodman. Both Pop and Graham have since passed on and Pops son John Grieve carried on the Family business up until a few years ago. I would love to see Pop recognised for his effort and work around the Motueka Township.
My Nana and Pop were also great bowlers and active members of the Motueka Bowling Club, there are numerous pictures on the wall of the Bowling Club showing trophies and cups they had won along the way. Goodman and Grieve have built (to my knowledge) the Museum, which was the Parklands School, the Post office Building, which is now Guthrie Bowron, Motueka High School. All of these buildings are iconic to Motueka.
Pop also built his own family home at number 70 Tudor street, this being the second house on the street at the time. And numerous houses and other buildings throughout Motueka. I am sure there are pictures somewhere in the family of Pop building the High School along with Uncle John, Graham and the team, as I remember years ago looking through the albums.
Input from Patsy O'Shea:
[Posted 16 April 2010]
(This list of 39 names, based on prominent and historic members of the Motueka community, was put together and submitted to TDC in 2004 when a number of subdivisions were sprouting in the district and people were looking for suitable names for new streets. She says some of these names may have been used already.)
Thorn: This is a well-known name in the town and the district, with many families of this name having been involved in the tobacco industry
Overton: Dr Overton - a long-serving medical practitioner in Motueka, in the days when there were just 3 doctors all with very large practices. Erice Overton (his sister?) was a long-time school teacher.
Black: Bert (Albert) Black came to Motueka after WWII as an advisor with W.D and H.O Wills tobacco company. He became widely known and respected for his gentlemanly manner and practical assistance with farm budgets. In retirement he was a stalwart of the community.
Daken: Eric? Daken - a well-known police officer in the days of the thousands of seasonal workers who flooded the district for tobacco, apple and hop harvests.
Heath: another well-known family name in the area with links to the tobacco industry and the Motueka Valley community.
Husheer: Gerard Husheer - the founder of the National Tobacco Company, which built the large factory complex and clocktower at what is now known as Clocktower Corner.
Nash: Cecil Nash - another tobacco pioneer well known as an advisor in the early days and for his wide coverage of the district, sometimes on a bicycle and later in the company of a beautiful white dog! One of the very first growers of the crop.
Riwai: Kia Riwai was a prominent Maori Welfare Officer when Maori working gangs travelled from the North Island to work in the seasonal crops. Instrumental in setting up the facilities at Te Awhina Marae as a social and cultural focus for these groups.
Stevens: Another major family in the tobacco industry especially R.W.S (Dick) Stevens who headed the growers' organisation for many years.
Bailey: A notable Maori family whose major influence was Tom Bailey, who became a respected elder of the community.
Congdon: A mutli-talented family known in business, musical and sporting sectors. Long-term owners of Motueka Furnishers, and of course with Bevan Congdon being a NZ cricketer and captain of the NZ side.
Watson: Max Watson - a Motueka printer for many decades and was well known to the community in that role.
Harvey: C.L. Harvey - an early tobacco grower and chairperson of the Motueka Harbour Board for some years.
Ingram: Miss Laura Ingram (known locally as Dede) spent her life working in the Motueka community. An infant teacher at Parklands school, she would have influenced generations of Motueka children. Among other things she was active in the Highland Pipe band, an elected member of the Nelson Hospital Board and later a long-serving president of the NZ Free Kindergarten Association.
Hamilton: A very widely known name in the Motueka community. Two Hamilton men, both Fred - Fred H and Fred O, guided the tobacco industry in the 1930s and 1940s. Also active in other areas of the community, such as fund-raising events for the war effort.
Boyden: Bill Boyden - another tobacco company representative in the days when these provided the support system for local growers.
Delaney: a pioneer name in Motueka with early involvement in the tobacco industry as kiln builders. Also early involvement on the Motueka Borough Council?
Taylor: Eleanor Taylor was a woman of indomitable energy in the Motueka Community. Responsible for the move to form an A and P Association in the area and an influential member of the Women's Division of Federated Farmers. She was a passionate speaker with a delegation to parliament in the 1930s on behalf of local tobacco growers.
Lewis: Noel Lewis - a Motueka solicitor who played a major role in the community. He was secretary of the Tobacco Growers' Federation for many years, a powerful speaker and advocate.
Primmer: Jock Primmer - a long-serving member of the local volunteer fire brigade and much liked figure in the community.
Rowling: another well known name, specifically Bill Rowling, MP for the area and later Prime Minister. A man known for mixing easily at all levels.
Wild: Peter Wild. Yet another tobacco company man, epitomising the way in which the companies were integrated into the community. Active in sporting areas, cricket and golf, he secured significant financial support from company sponsorship.
Bradley: Kelvin Bradley served on the Motueka Community Board from its inception in 1989 and was also active in rugby circles. Also supportive of working with young people in the town.
Whitwell: The family, beginning with Hec Whitwell, has operated long-time menswear and furnishing businesses in the town and are major property owners in the CBD area. Fiercely local in focus, they also serve a very wide area. Also prominent in local rugby.
Kennedy: David Kennedy appears to be one of the only former Motueka mayors who does not have a street named after him!! An unusual personality who brought a breath of fresh air to the position. Experienced debater and lateral thinker.
McNabb: Another old Motueka name - pioneer family with links to many parts of the community.
Blois: John Blois - along with Dr Overton, one of the old style doctors of the town. Brusque, intelligent and dedicated, he was loved by his many hundreds of patients over the years. A keen tramper and a man with an acute sense of reality, who did not suffer fools at all, let alone glady.
Askew: Pioneer family name again with links to many parts of the community.
Canton: a well known name in the Motueka area, prominent in the tobacco industry. Miles Canton served on the Tasman District Council and Motueka Community Board for some years.
Emerre: Again a name from the tobacco industry, mainly in Riwaka.
Holyoake: not much need to explain this one. Keith Jacka Holyoake was MP for the area at the beginning of his parliamentary career and was so supportive of the tobacco growers that he was known as the 'Minister of Tobacco'. Links also to the fruit industry. Another well known Holyoake was Fergus whose many local history articles are housed at the Motueka Museum.
Mytton: Pioneer family and prominent in the tobacco industry in the Motueka Valley
Rance: Roy Rance - another long-serving secretary of the Tobacco Growers' Federation. A meticulous record keeper and well respected. His wife Jeanne was a long-time supporter of the Motueka Museum.
Stephens: A prominent Maori family with strong links both to Te Awhina Marae and to the tobacco industry. Stephens women have also been active in the community both on Maori issues and within schools etc.
Westrupp: Bo Westrupp - a long-standing and much loved jeweller in Motueka and the business is continued by his son. A returned soldier and dedicated boatie. Norma Westrupp has been a huge influence in both the golfing and bowls worlds, both as a player and coach.
Grant: Jean Grant, a singular woman. Active in politics and in the community - when Jean died the amazing mix of people at her funeral was testimony to her influence and work. A staunch member of the Motueka Museum trust and a respected friend of the Maori community.
Bridle: Old family name in Motueka - 'Bridles' was the shop all children wanted to go to and the shop all parents wanted to avoid!
Vautier: Jack Vautier, long time solicitor in the town. Acutely interested in everything about the town and its people. A real personality ( you didn't want to meet him at an intersection though).
Talley: Ivan Talley, Yugoslavian immigrant to NZ who laid the foundation for the present Talleys fishing empire. Began with a fish shop in High St. Actual name is Talijancich
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