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Volunteers needed for Motueka's annual litter clean up

September 9th, 2010

The annual Clean Up Motueka project is on Saturday, September 18th, and volunteers are called for to pick up litter from around the town.

Keep Motueka Beautiful members will be in the Tasman District Council car park in Hickmott St from 9:30am to midday to hand out large rubbish bags to anyone willing to walk the streets of their neighbourhood picking up litter. The bags are branded with "Keep New Zealand Beautiful" and are big enough to hold several supermarket bags of rubbish. When each bag is full it can be returned to the TDC car park and tossed into a trailer that will be left for collection. KMB will dump all the litter after the campaign is over.

Organisers suggest that everyone wanting to volunteer brings a good supply of their own supermarket bags to collect litter as they walk the streets and tracks around town. They can then transfer the contents into the larger bag as they fill. This will mean you won't have to drag a large and increasingly heavy bag around.

A pair of gloves is recommended and a pair of tongs would also be useful. Organisers will have a map of Motueka available so that areas are not doubled up on. Anyone wanting to help can just turn up at the car park between 9.30am and midday to collect a rubbish bag or two.

If you can't help on that day but would like to pick up litter at another time, you can take a bag for later use, or phone Eileen Wilkins at . Children will need to be accompanied by an adult, and please - no household rubbish in the bags.

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