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Parkes Automotive seeks help to find ways of using waste tyres
October 4th, 2010
Anita Newport
Motueka's auto repairs workshop and tyre retailer Parkes Automotive is undertaking a study for the uses of waste tyres, and is asking for ideas from local residents and businesses to find local solutions to the environmental problem of tyre disposal.
Parkes Automotive is well known in Motueka for its dedication to sustainable business practices. They can claim to be walking the walk, having already reduced their waste to landfill by 80% since taking over the business 5 years ago, says co-owner Anita Newport.
In recent years they've won several awards for their environmental initiatives in a traditionally dirty automotive industry. As part of that 80% cut its waste products, all their food scraps go to their worm farm, and all their used oil is sent for recycling. Every aspect of waste from the business is measured so they can ways of reducing and recycling.
This year Parkes has taken on the task of doing a study for Tasman District Council on how waste tyres could be used. It is due next March. "Nearly 4 million tyres a year go to landfill a year in New Zealand," Anita says. "There are a few people who recycle tyres around the country in various methods but we would like to find local initiatives as we believe that every community should be made aware of the waste that they create and be responsible for that.
"The other reason we want to find local solutions is that it will reduce the carbon footprint created by transporting tyres around the country," she adds. "Sometimes it gets to the point that recycling something becomes pointless if you are using so much energy to create something else out of a waste product."
As well as publicising this project and asking for ideas, Anita has asked Motueka Online to create an online forum to hear what people have to say about the waste tyre problem, who they think should be responsible and ideas that they have. You can read and contribute to this forum here.
Anita has met with Green Party MP David Clendon on the matter and plans to have surveys at the MTA conference in Nelson this year, where Anita and her partner Andrew Parkes will be attending as last years "National Environmental Award" winners.
"As the owners of an automotive repairs workshop and tyre retailer, we're taking responsibility for the waste that our business helps to create, and we are using our relationships within the motor trade industry to gather as much information and public discussion as we can which will be put into a report for the Tasman District Council," says Anita. "The tyre problem will never go away .... even hybrids need tyres."
If anyone wants to discuss this with Anita or knows anyone (environmental groups, etc) that would be interested in being involved, please contribute to the discussion forum on this website and/or contact Anita directly at .
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