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Tasman District Council Annual Plan adopted

July 1st, 2010
[TDC press release]

The Annual Plan for the 2010/11 year was adopted at the Council meeting yesterday.

"The Tasman District Council Annual Plan is core to what the Council does describing a clear path for the year and provides the communities it serves with clear expectations of what is to be achieved", said Mayor Richard Kempthorne.

"While this year's Annual Plan is the second year of the Ten Year Plan established last year there have been some changes. For a start the planned rise in rates has been reduced because of small changes and reprioritisations of work. The General Rate increase has been managed down from 5.12% in the Ten Year Plan to 3.97%, within which inflation accounts for 3%. However, because of the number of targeted rates throughout the District, the total rates will approximately increase across a range between 3.57% and 5.71% depending on the location of ratepayers and services received".

The Government's GST increase from 1 October 2010 will be an additional cost on these figures.

The main changes are in the following areas:

  • Transportation - public transport is deleted, Salisbury/Champion Roads cycle facility is deleted and roading maintenance budgets have been reduced.
  • Water supply reticulation in Richmond East - Hill Street North has been deferred.
  • Community grants have been reduced by $12,000 from amount planned in Ten Year Plan for 2010/2011.
  • Delay in leasing Collingwood camping ground.
  • Interest rates - loan servicing costs reduced from 7.2 percent to 6.9 per cent.
  • Delay in implementing the Holding Company and associated benefits.
  • Discount for early payment of rates reduced from 4 per cent to 2 per cent.
  • Warm homes and clean heating - new voluntary targeted rate scheme available.
  • Tourism rate - has risen to take account of inflation and includes an increased coverage to a wider range of premises.
  • Fees and charges - most increase by 3 per cent for inflation, some other increases proposed and new fees for natural burials and memorial plaques, with further increases after 1 October to take account of the Government's decision to increase GST to 15 per cent.
  • The Uniform Annual General Charge has been increased by $20 to $260 per rateable property.

Further details on these activities and the major infrastructure projects are available in the Annual Plan 2010/2011, which will be available during July on Council's website: and from Council offices and libraries.

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