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The Coastal Pipeline and Motueka's water

May 27th, 2011
by Jim Butler

Why does Tasman District Council want to pipe water all the way from the Motueka aquifer to Mapua via an expensive Coastal Pipeline, when there is adequate water available much closer to Mapua in the Tasman/Marriages Rd area?

The perception has to be that Council's long term plan is to extend this pipe line to Richmond. So why has Tasman District Council combined this expensive Coastal Pipeline project together with the completion of Motueka's water reticulation? Simple. It enables Council to get Motueka Ward ratepayers to pay for the biggest share of this 20 million dollar unnecessary project.

However Council has said it will not proceed with this project unless it gets a subsidy of 4 million dollars from the Minister of Health, Tony Ryall. If Tony Ryall provides this subsidy and this unnessary project proceeds, the cost to Motueka Ward ratepayers will then be only about 10 million dollars.

Big deal? No incentive for Motueka Ward ratepayers to vote for National.

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