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Council wastage on road marking rather than road/footpath maintenance

November 22nd, 2011
[This is a copy of a letter to the TDC Mayor, Richard Kempthorne, submitted also to Motueka Online by Valerie Rae (President), Jim Butler (Secretary), John Kelly (Publicity) on behalf of the Motueka Grey Power Committee.]

Dear Richard, We were dismayed to see the notice in the 18 November Newsline that "Council is planning to improve parking in High Street Motueka by marking individual parks."

So, while pavements and roading remain in need of repair, while ratepayers are asked to pitch in and clean up the town (as funds aren't available to do it properly), while we need to raise a special levy to manage to improve kerb crossings in town, we will get to watch Fulton Hogan remove the perfectly sound lines currently designating the parking areas and apply new ones.

This exercise in corporate welfare will, in our opinion, actually provide fewer parking spaces. Our town caters to vehicles from vans and utes with trailers to retirees' sub-compacts. Attempting to create and enforce an "average" parking space would result in a net loss of spaces.

In the Mayor's Comment in the same issue you repeatedly say you are conscious of "affordability". How can that be with this sort of waste going on? Surely this isn't what you are talking about when you insist that the belt is really tight and expenditure is focused on "essential services"?

Sadly, this sort of make-work project, whether it be street markings or parking lots, is the standard we're coming to expect. We urge you to take this funding and have Fulton Hogan fill some potholes and repair some walkways.

Comment by William Cleaver:
[Posted November 22nd 2011]

I refer to Tim King's comments in the Motueka Golden Bay News: "Rising costs and the uncertain international economy may stall improvements in Tasman District Council service levels to rate payers.

In his report to the council corporate services this month committee chairman and deputy mayor Tim King said government indication that there was no new money to spare directly impacting the council. Tim said while the council would reduce its spending the challenge would lie in servicing its operations and maintanance."

The clincher is that Tim says that for a period of time the current level of investment may be unavailable until ratepayers were able to afford the increased cost. Also councilor Trevor Norris said that the council road budget is facing a $380,000 shortfall which may mean that potholes may get fixed every six months instead of tomorrow. AND THEY WANT TO REPAINT PERFECTLY GOOD PARKING LINES UP THE MAIN STREET.... Who is at the helm of this starship boobyprize???

Comment by David Ogilvie, Motueka Community Board chairman:
[Posted November 27th 2011]

I was a little surprised that Grey Power Motueka opposed the project, The Community Board has been generally supportive of the proposal since the Council mentioned it about 9-12 months ago. Hopefully, it will allow more vehicles to obtain parks in the central retail part of Motueka, as at present there are situations where one car takes up two spaces, or two cars take up what could be available for three cars.

Lack of sufficient parking in Motueka has been a concern for some time, and this should make some difference even if it is only a small improvement. I think most retailers and central businesses in town would also be supportive.

Tudor Street and other Motueka side streets are individually marked, also for High School students along Whakarewa and Grey streets, not to mention Queen Street in Richmond. The rationale is likely to be the same for all these examples - getting more vehicles into a limited amount of space.

Comment by Cr Trevor Norriss, TDC Engineering Chairman:
[Posted December 3rd 2011]

This proposal has been discussed with the board, the NZTA and council. Before everyone starts jumping up and down about costs remember that High Street is the state highway and is therefore maintained by the agency not council. This would include any road marking costs, and I personally agree with the comments made by board chairman David Ogilvie.

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