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Paying for the new crossing near The Warehouse

May 10th, 2013
by David Armstrong

Most of us are glad to hear a traffic refuge island will be built in High Street between The Warehouse and New World, making it safer and easier to cross there. It's been a huge worry for many people for so long. (See the story here.)

But I'm sure many Motuekans are a little baffled and perhaps not altogether happy that the national transport agency, NZTA, has said that it wants us ratepayers to pay a small portion of the cost because they don't have enough of the funding available right now.

Their idea of a small amount is suggested to be $15,000 to $20,000, to be paid from our Community Board budget. That amount is absolutely tiny to a government agency that spends in the billions, but it's a significant proportion of the Community Board's budget (paid for by us all from our $12 or so annual targeted rate).

While I've been following the debates over ways of making High Street safer (traffic lights at Greenwood/Pah Streets, roundabouts south of there, etc), the answer to all lobbying by our board has been that NZTA owns High Street as it is a state highway, so we had no say in whether or how it should be improved.

Then when they finally agree that it is not safe, especially in the stretch near The Warehouse, they say Motueka ratepayers have to pay for part of it! We will be paying twice - through taxes and targeted rates.

Or do we want this crossing so badly that we'd rather take it on the chin and pay up than keep pleading with NZTA to pay for the lot. What do others think about this?

The other issue here which makes me wonder somewhat is the cost of making a small island in the middle of the road with two metal bars embedded for protection. If ratepayers, in being asked to help pay for it, are to put up as much as $20k for it, NZTA must be putting much more in. How much will it cost, then?

Surely some concreting, two solid iron bars or pipes bent to the right shape, some paving stones and a few days work could be done for less than $20,000. I'd bet some local volunteers with the help of local concreters and iron workers could do it for much less.

I'm putting this out there to see what other opinions people have. I'd also like to hear how much (and why) such engineering works cost.

Comment by Phillip Grimmett:
[Posted 13 May 2013]

It's good that some action is finally due on the Warehouse crossing, but disappointing that the Government Agency NZTA has blackmailed local ratepayers into picking up $15000 of the cost. It seems that the Government's responsibility for its state highways ends when it comes to the safety of Motueka residents. Billions can be found for large Auckland highways.

It's not sensible or fair, and we deserve better from our Local MP. Unfortunately, my elderly mother will not benefit from this crossing when it does eventuate. It's been a concern for at least 5 years.

The ratepayers are paying thrice over for this obvious necessity. This is mean and miserly, and does not reflect well on our national decision makers.

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