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Newsline still valued by those outside the district

July 8th, 2012
by Nigel Isaacs, Wellington

I was a little surprised to read in TDC 'Newsline' 29 June 2012 hiding in the 'Public Notices" the following:
Change of distribution for out of District readers Newsline is currently posted to out of District ratepayers, for example people with holidays homes in Tasman but who live on the North Island, however this service will cease as of the 1 July 2012. You can continue to read Newsline at where there are PDF and text versions of each issue. Alternatively send an e-mail with your name and address to and Council will contact you to discuss alternative delivery options

It might be worth putting a note in Motueka Online to alert those from outside the district that is valuable source of TDC news has become just become a little harder to find.

I've sent the following email to Christ Choat (TDC):
Greetings. I was very surprised to find the little note hidden in the back of the latest issue that mail distribution of Newsline is about to be stopped for out-of-district ratepayers. As this is one of the few distance services we receive from TDC we consider this to be a very backward step. Newsline is our main, and often only, source of information on the TDC's activities. Please record this e-mail as a very negative response to this TDC action.

Is any consideration being given to a e-mail list for Newsline? Alternatively an rss feed for the latest issue?

Comment by Anne McFadgen:
[Posted 9 July 2012]

The "TDC Newsline" can be accessed online through the Tasman District Council website as a PDF:

>> , to be added to the page. [If this link doesn't work, use this form instead]

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