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The closure of Resurgence Arts

May 8th, 2013
by William Cleaver

New Zealand does well at Badminton but back in Motueka this horse is getting another flogging. Motueka's newest and largest Art Gallery and community free-display zone just closed down.

Yes, unfortunately Resurgence Arts has closed, because rising ratable year costs to run this venture have escalated to a point of being unsustainable.

Lack of public interest has once again been part of the downfall. During the three months of exhibitions, more art work has been displayed than attendance.

We feel sorry for Godwit Society, Mot High, South intermediate, Parklands School, Garin Collage and the Art Council of Motueka whom all showed a interest at our Gallery.

Resurgence would like all the Artist that participated over the last three months.

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