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Earthquake risks at Golden Bay High School
September 7th, 2012
by William Cleaver
In 1974 myself and numerous other students went in cavalcade to Takaka to take on the might of the Golden Bay High School in inter school sports. 1st XI soccer 11-0 to Waimea and the netball and rugby faired pretty well also. After the games we all went in for afternoon tea and shared stories about the games.
That day and many days not long after that the students of Golden Bay High School will remember how they got thrashed.
Well the same thing has happened again but not by adolescents hooting and hollering all the way to Takaka but by tie-wearing bureaucrats now saying the classrooms are not up to seismic standards. Well they where ok then and and they are ok now, it's just those tie wearers wanting more cash to insure buildings that impose no risk in the unlikely event of a seismic event.
My only hope is that the tie wearers at ACC don't catch on to these changes or we might all end up going to work in decommissioned Sherman tanks.
Comment by Mark Scales:
[Posted 8 September 2012]
I feel that some fact now needs to be introduced to this thread. William Cleaver stated that: "... tie-wearing bureaucrats now saying the classrooms are not up to seismic standards". The conclusion that these classrooms were "not up to seismic standards" was not reached by a tie wearing bureaucrat but by a Chartered Professional Engineer.
This engineer never wears a tie and he could never be described, by anyone that knows him, as a "bureaucrat". The building only meets 3% of the NBS (National Building Standard), that's fact. Please don't denigrate the messenger. The real issue is the response from the Ministry of Education, not whether someone wears a tie or not.
Let's please have some fact introduced here, rather than the same old irrelevant clichés trotted out.
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