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Should not sell state assets that produce good returns

June 6th, 2012
Ian Miller

I disagree agree with the sale of state owned assets that produce a good return. Also some activities are so important to the country as a whole that they should be largely left in the hands of SOE's. Power generation, roading, hospitals and rail are such activities.

The cost, risk and national benefits of some new projects are such that only governments should develop them. Hydro power projects are one example. These mega projects need to be planned for future growth and the Waitaki power scheme with its multiple dams is a good example that now produces cheap electricity. Sadly I think the days of hydro power may be over and we may be heading towards a litter of unreliable wind turbines sprinkled over our hills like ugly kinetic sculptures.

The large scale production of relatively cheap power could be an asset we can exploit. If we, as a nation, developed our power generation abilities from all renewable sources then we should be in a position to offer cheap power to industry.

It could become the carrot that attracts industry here. This overall greater good to our economy may well be worth the initial costs.

Of course we should also be looking at smaller local power schemes that produce electricity closer to urban centres and in these I see opportunity for private enterprise.

I am in favour of hydro schemes and see the resultant lakes as a benefit but I would also like to know more about 'run of the river' schemes as these may be able to fit into many locations where it is not desirable to dam a river.

Whatever the future holds we are going to need more electricity. It may be that in the future scientists eventually develop some clean alternative to current technology but it could be generations away. In the mean time we have a huge amount of unrealised potential running down our rivers.

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