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Stop the Council

February 2nd, 2012
by William Cleaver

I write in support for Mr Kent Vickerman and his recent article in the Motueka News. It appears that the ratepayers have had enough and are now doing something about it. A petition is being circulated to have rates capped. Good on you but I suggest what numerous customers have suggested is to stop paying rates altogether.

The council are elected by us and we pay their wages and we are charged by them to give them spending money to look after services etc. So what happens when they abuse the spending or abuse the charges they incur? Well apparently not a lot.

The council is not run like a business, it runs like a spoiled school boy in a candy shop. The little fella has money burning a hole in his pocket and when he wants more he has a tantrum until he gets what he wants. Well maybe the time has come for the people and the community board to stand up, and do something about this aweful situation the council has got its self into.

NB, fancy employing a CEO on the eve of the amalgamation and now possibly having to fork out a huge redundancy at the end of the year.

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