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Grant Douglas's Garden Diary
Week 6: second week of February
Nothing new to report this week except that the sowing/planting list is getting shorter as we approach the cutoff dates for the sowing and planting of things, to have them ready by Winter. If the weather starts cooling down, we could be looking at the starting of the sowing of Chinese Greens and Spinach, but probably a bit hot still yet.
Sowing or Planting this week:
Brussel Sprouts - plants only
Cabbage (Winter - I use Wintercross)
Cauliflower (Frieda - Summer variety, Snowmarch - Winter variety (5 Mths). Sowing these two varieties at the same time will give a good succession.
Leeks - plants only
Lettuce - Loose-leaf Fancy and Hearting (Webbs or Greatlakes)
Silverbeet and Perpetual Spinach
Spring Onions
Sprouting Broccoli
Sow Direct:
Corn Salad
Mescalin Mix
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