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Grant Douglas's Garden Diary
Week 34: Fourth week of August
At the moment, I have a lovely start to the beginning of my working day. After breakfast I go to the hot-water-cupboard, lift off the paper and glass from the trays and see what of my perennial, bedding or vegetable seeds have germinated since I checked them yesterday. There is something magical about seeing the seedlings pushing their way through the soil.
Sure, it can all be explained in technical terms, but it seems to me it is really important not to lose site of the fact that deep down in the art of growing things there is some magic. The skills and knowledge we gain - everything from what conditions specific seeds need to help them germinate, to keeping regular accurate records of the crops we grow - simply aid the magic to happen more easily.
In a more practical frame of mind, if you are growing NZ Spinach from seed, put the seeds in the fridge for a week before sowing and they will germinate much more readily and also, with so many seedlings being grown at this time of year, soon to be planted out, don't forget to 'harden' them off (in other words toughen them to the outside environment) before you plant them out. A little bit of liquid compost or manure tea around each plant as you plant them out, will also get them off to a good start.
For those of you who may have bought plants off our stall in the past, and had been told by me I wasn't growing vege plants this year, well I have succumbed to pressure and I am, and they are now available.
Sowing or Planting this week:
Tomatoes, Peppers, Chillie's, Egg Plant (for Greenhouse or early sheltered Outside)
Basil (for Greenhouse or Windowsill)
Beetroot - possibly too early for direct sowing but can be sown in containers for planting out shortly.
Broad Beans (I am trying a new variety for me this year called Imperial Green, where the beans stay green, even after cooking) Standard Variety - Exhibition Longpod
Brocolli Spouting (Marathon Variety - sow now in punnets)
Cabbage (Spring or Summer varieties - sow now in punnets)
Cauliflower (Frieda - Summer variety - sow now in punnets)
Garlic (Getting fairly late)
Lettuce (Loose-leaf Fancy and Hearting (Webbs or Greatlakes) - outside now, or in containers.)
Onions (for early areas)
Peas (I choose Easy-peasy variety)
Potatoes (Plant a few sprouted ones in warmer areas or in cooler areas put them in trays for sprouting)
Red Onions - protect soil surface from heavy rains (Heard the other day about the use of carpet underfelt - sounds like good idea. Just get it off as soon as germination takes place)
Silverbeet and Perpetual Spinach - these may go to seed in late Spring but will give you a small harvest if you are low on these veges in your garden
Snow Peas (Snap Peas)
Spinach (winter varieties eg. Hybrid No.7) - not outside now, but in containers as above
Sow Direct: (In colder areas, under a cloche)
Carrots (In warmer areas only - I find Topweight a good early variety)
Chinese Greens (Warmer areas)
Corn Salad
Corriander/Dill (Marginal)
Mescalin Mix
Preparation of beds for Strawberries and Asparagus - better hurry, especially for Asparagus.
Happy Gardening. This week I'll sign off the way the Country Life Team did on the radio on Saturday with "Keep the gumboots close and stay positive".
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