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Ecofest 2010 – Home & Garden Tours

[Press release from the Tasman District Council: March 1, 2010]

Do you have an urban garden full of incredible edibles? Are you living the ‘good life’ dream with your chooks, your worms and bees? Would you be willing to share your passion and knowledge with others?

Ecofest organisers are seeking locals with green thumbs and green minds to open up their gardens and homes as part of the event’s popular home and garden tour series.

This year, Ecofest turns ten and the tours are taking on a slightly different format. They will be held on the weekend of August 14 & 15 and there will be urban and rural tour options available.

Organisers are currently seeking people with:

  • urban edible gardens with plenty of winter veges that will be looking productive in August. You might also have chooks, bees, rainwater catchment etc
  • Good examples of urban ecohomes – either new or renovated/retrofitted
  • Lifestyle properties that feature both an eco-home and sustainable garden with waste and water management and conservation
  • Good rural eco-homes that don’t fit into the above category –both tailor made and retro-fitted.

Ecofest event organiser Jo Reilly says people opening their homes and gardens don’t have to be “eco-experts” they just have to be willing to share their ideas.

"The Ecofest Home and Garden Tours have become a really important part of Ecofest and not only demonstrate what’s possible in the home and garden, but also help celebrate the individuals in our communities that are 'living the dream' of a greener, more sustainable way of life.

“Those who go on the tours find this really inspirational, which is what the event is all about. Ecofest is in its tenth year now so we are hoping to make this year’s Home and Garden Tour the biggest and best ever.

“I'd encourage anyone interested to give me a call for a chat or, if you know someone who you think should enter, I'd appreciate it if you gave them a nudge in the right direction!”

For more information please contact Jo Reilly on or email

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