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Autumn a good time to put in new strawberry plants?

Question 2:  I'd like to know if now (early April) is a good time to put in new strawberry plants. I am getting conflicting advice on this. My garden is in Motueka, sandy soil and quite sheltered.

Answer:  Most people do plant their strawberries in the Winter when the tops have died back, but the plants will become easily established with Winter root-growth, ready for the tops to come away in the Spring. But if you have plants available now, and your site is well-prepared, there is no reason why you can't plant them now. Strawberry plants are not frost-tender. I would recommend that you cut some of the outside leaves off and trim the roots back before planting, and make sure you keep the moisture up to them until they are established. If you are on a sandy soil, I would recommend the addition of plenty of humus and then plant them on low ridges.
-  Grant Douglas.

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