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Visit to WOW museum in Nelson
(September 26th 2015)
Report by Coralie Smith
Just for a change the Motueka Historical Association members went for an outing in September. It was very timely as Peter Wakeman, a Motueka man, had been announced the night before as winner of the new Art Deco Architecture section and overall winner of the 2015 WOW event in Wellington.
After a short talk about the World of Wearable art concept from one of their staff we were left to wander. It was good to be reminded that the costumes are works of art taken off the wall and made into a wearable outfit. It was hard to imagine how the models got into some of the outfits but they certainly wowed us.
The luminous section has to be my personal favourite. Their glowing weird shapes looming out of the dark never fails to impress.
The continuous film footage in the little theatre took us back to the beginning and the classic cars had us drooling and dreaming of a life some members had formerly lived. Cars that were over five metres long, with big fins and back seats that would seat four or more people but also cars that guzzled gas that required an oil well in the back yard to keep it going.
We were a bit surprised that photographs were allowed to be taken so a couple are included. After lunch in the WOW café we went on to Wakefield Quay where fellow member Tom Rowling showed us the memorials to merchant seaman. We also wandered along to the Settlers Memorial. The little yachts sailing into a stiff sea breeze in The Haven added to a very pleasant outing.
Tom Rowling will be speaking at our next meeting on his career at sea. All welcome on Saturday October 24th, 1.30pm at Community House.

Betty Fry and Maureen Dabinett in awe of a Cadillac

WOW Luminous section
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