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Some interesting trivia about Motueka

February 11th, 2010
By David Armstrong

The population of Motueka

Since arriving to live in this fair town, I, heard and read wildly varying comments about how many people live here. Figures have ranged from 6900 to 15,000. I can understand small variations, but more than a factor of 2? No way. There had to be some other explanation.

An authoritative source gave me these facts and figures.

The most reliable basis at present is the most recent census, taken in 2006. (These are taken every 5 years, so there will be an update next year.) In 2006, on Census night, there were 14,355 people in what is called the Motueka district, which includes Motueka town (7797), Kaiteriteri (1482), Mariri, Riwaka (969), Lower Moutere and the lower part of Moutere Valley. Mapua was counted separately at 1980.

Based on the growth rate over the previous 5-year census period (2001 - 2006), if we take a population growth of 1% to 2% per year, then we can estimate the Motueka town figure now at around 8265 and the Motueka district at about 15,200. However, most people agree that the growth rate has been greater in recent years.

But the factor that plays the greatest part in population statistics in this district is the date and even time of the census. With huge differences in visitor numbers over the various months, and even over weekends versus week days, the numbers counted on any particular day could be causing serious errors in estimations of permanent populations.

Other ways of spelling Motueka

Crossword people are familiar with anagrams - words that can be formed using the letters of another word. SO what anagrams can be found for "M O T U E K A" ??

Here's one list. If you can think of any others, let me know through the Comment link below.

Make out    (<- this is the best one of all!!)
Oak mute
Auk tome
A mute OK
Tu Kameo [Tu (Tumatauenga), a supernatural being in Maori mythology; and Kameo, a play on cameo]

And for "Motueka Online":

Make out online
Emotional nuke
Inane mute look
Enema unit look
Manlike one out
Alien mute nook
Take mule onion

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